In the famous words of Justin Timberlake…’I'm bringing sexy back’….!
Let us discuss ways to enhance female libido for women who find themselves with low female libido.
They’re in no particular order of importance!

1. Get some sleep
Practically nothing wipes out desire quicker than one party falling asleep! Without sufficient good quality sleep there’s not plenty of energy left. Having a quality night’s sleep each night will help you to feel a lot more active and lively.Easily said, though of course, can be hard if you have an extremely busy lifestyle or young children or both! You most likely were going to need to make some changes to make this happen!
2. Exercise

3. Nutrition
Starts eating well, feel more active, get a health body…yada yada…we all know the drill, but yet really, it’s true. The food items you eat is your fuel therefore you should certainly have a think about everything you put in. Try it, perhaps for a week or two, live healthy, eat healthy; your body with say thanks to you and you’ll have much more energy.This one additionally goes hand in hand with weight-loss and let’s admit it, if you’re obese then you have less energy, you appear to be less attractive and your confidence may suffer.
4. Reduce your stress
We have been living lives that happen to be just way too hectic and traumatic. Me included. Fortunately I own a partner who is actually the absolute contrary of a anxiety! Every Time I observe how my partner acts and behaves in relation to potential ‘stressors’ in life it is a huge lesson that the only one who has power over you and your mindset and your level of anxiety or tension is you. Regardless of what your circumstance you decide on the way to react to things, and that means you can choose happy, you can choose relaxed. Being stressed is an absolute passion killer, therefore get rid of it! Lighten up!5. Medications
For females, choices are really minimal when it comes to medications for low female libido. Testosterone has long been prove to get certain benefit in some organizations however is only used in specified situations and also comes along with significant risks that need to have careful consideration. Basically, it most likely isn’t the thing that is gonna be used for the majority of women.
Of course, discussing the potential reasons behind low sex drive with your medical professional strongly suggested as you may be one of the few for which testosterone is usually recommended.
The other part to this tip is to check out the current medications that you may possibly be consuming for several reasons. Some medications, for instance certain kinds of antidepressants are well known to have a detrimental effect on female libido. Once again, this is definitely a discussion that you must have with you medical professional before you decide to consider altering any of your drugs.
6. Herbal Supplements
There are numerous all-natural female libido supplements that have been registered to possess a positive effect on women sex drive. You’ll notice solutions that combine several supplements into one preparation, including Provestra and Her Solution, which are two of the most well know female enhancement supplements. You can get many different details about these items, including detailed Provestra Reviews and detailed Her Solution review on this blog.There is little in the way of solid, evidence based research into these products, however, many women have reported good effects and their ingredients pose little to no side effects at all, so they can be well worth a try.
7. Gels and Creams
There are a few gels and creams about that do get some good reviews. Her Solution Gel is one of those, which you can read about here on this blog.Some gels and creams simpley produce a ‘tingling’ effect that heightens arousal and sensitivity – such as Zestra. A gel which gets favourable reviews is Her Solution Gel – it increases blood flow, increases sensitivity and heightens arousal as well as being a lubricating substance. You can read a full Her Solution Gel review here.
8. Go on a date
Here’s a good old fashioned tip. We all get caught up in our lives, our jobs, our kids and just our…stuff! Sometimes, if it’s not in your calendar or your schedule it’s just not gonna happen. So schedule some intimate time! Of course everyone loves a little spontaneity, however, if you’re not getting any action, then a little scheduled action is better than nothing! Find a baby sitter, schedule a romantic interlude and go on a date with your partner. Alternatively simply say that ‘Thursday nights is our night’ and schedule it in! Get the kids off to bed, turn the TV off, spend some quiet (err….or loud) and preferably naked time together!9. Get some toys
Spicing up your sex life can be fun. Some ‘toys’, some steamy movies to watch together, some new positions, new places. Mix things up a bit and see where it takes you.10. Improve your self confidence
If you don’t feel confident about your body or yourself in general it’s hard to feel sexy. So if confidence or body image issues are something that affects you then it’s time to address those. If it’s about weight and body image, then do something about it. If it’s about your self-esteem then perhaps you could speak with a counselor, psychologist or if that all seems a little daunting then start out by reading some books about self-esteem and confidence.So there you are our 1o tips for increasing female libido! Enjoy.
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